Monday, October 20, 2008

Hello, Small Printer. Goodbye, Big One.

I saw Wendy carrying a big box this morning. She said that it was a new HP all-in-one printer. Both of us wondered why the IT guys in Minneapolis sent us a new one when we had two black-and-white (one big and one small) and two colour printers (one big and one small). She thought that it could be for Toronto because our colleagues there was using a beat-up one. Well, she thought wrong.

Around noon, people from Canon hauled away the big, black-and-white, heavy-duty printer and copier. I guess this was only leased and the higher-ups decided to end the agreement, save money and send us a small one instead.

I don't mind them taking the big one because I seldom use it anyway. However, if they take away the big heavy-duty colour printer, that's a different story. I rely heavily on that one for my printing needs, but it looks like this printer's days are numbered, too.

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