Monday, January 5, 2009

First Workday of 2009

We had an unexpected dumping of snow last night. Good thing it happened on a weekend; otherwise, all hell would have broken loose today, the first workday for us in 2009.

As expected, things are pretty slow. It's even more quiet now that Charlene has left the company.

I ended 2008 on a sour note. I didn't agree on their plan to pass Charlene's responsibilities of translating URLs for a client's website banners to me. First of all, I resent people dumping their work on me because they can't or don't want to do them. Jennifer used to do that to me. Patrick tried. Now, it's Tonie's turn.

Second, it's a client-services thing; I'm in creative/production. If they want me to add that to my duties and responsibilities, then they should pay up.

Applying for that auction advertising coordinator sounds like a good idea now.

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