Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hook, Bait and Switch

Rob and I were exchanging e-mails yesterday asking each other's plan to come to the office soirée. But just as when we both agreed to "eating and drinking on the company dime," Julita sent an e-mail that the gathering was moved — to the lounge near my work station!

Needless to say, Rob and I were disappointed. We were looking forward to sinking our teeth into some fine and pricey grub; instead, we
ended up nibbling on chips and salsa, three varieties of cheese and crackers, and chocolate-dipped strawberries (it's the eve of Valentine's Day after all). Still, we tried to make the best of our situation and showed some appreciation for all the trouble Julita went, which Belinda described as a "bribe" for being "guilty about making people feel shitty and nervous."

By the way, I finally did some proofing. It was for Belinda's client and lasted only 30 minutes. My timesheet this week definitely looks bad.

And I'm taking the day off tomorrow. Since I will probably do nothing again, I might as well do it at home.

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