Monday, December 8, 2008

Last Week Was a Slow One

Surprisingly, I didn't do much last week (only 22½ hours). I tried to learn advanced CS3, but I was either too lazy or too sleepy because of my cold medication. However, I was able to do some job search and I found a job opening at an international auction company that was very much related to what I was doing here: an advertising coordinator.

I quickly sent the details to my home e-mail address and mentally designed how my new résumé would look like. Over the weekend, I read the job details thoroughly. The office location wasn't that far from home, but it was almost a kilometre from the nearest bus stop! And most of that was walking on a bridge.

I couldn't imagine myself walking two kilometres every workday. So, I put off my application regretfully. I guess that job wasn't right for me after all.

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