Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm In My New Digs Now!

I have now moved to an office that I can call my own.

Actually, this office I'm in now was the second office I've moved into my 20 months here. The first one was at the end of the wing where our sister company is currently occupying. The third was a corner office with a good view.

Then we moved to the other wing to make way for our sister company, where I was relegated to a pod. After that Jennifer and then Wendy occupied my spot and I moved to a table near Rob.

Now, we're back to occupying the vacant offices again. Compared to the rest, my office décor is minimal: my work station, two bookshelves, two chairs, a coat rack and an empty wooden menagerie. It's still a work in progress, but I'm getting there. I'm planning to bring some action figures from my collection to make my room more masculine (and a little geeky).

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