Monday, December 17, 2007

The Aftermath

I forgot to mention that before we had dinner last Thursday, we had a secret Santa of the stealing kind. I think the mechanics of this game is to pick a gift of your liking, then someone gets to steal it from you if he or she chooses to.

I chose a nicely wrapped gift, which was stolen from me, unfortunately. In turn, I stole Belinda's chosen gift. I regretted this because it turned out to be a yellow Banana Guard. (When I opened the box, I thought it was a yellow dildo!)

Needless to say, I was very much disappointed with what I got at first. But I thought of the practicality and design of this product and I began to like it. The Banana Guard turned out to be a cool and useful gift after all. Thanks, Tom (or whoever you are)!

Dinner was at Joe Fortes. Only nine of us made it there: Rob, Brooke, Tom, Nina, Amanda, Charlene, Julita, Ryan and me. Everyone got a small token (a Christmas ball) and a $25 gift card. I had ahi tuna steak, which was surprisingly good. I didn't know what the others ordered, but I remember Tom having the 20-oz. Porterhouse steak priced at a whopping $55! That's a lot of meat and he would need a lot of roughage to get that digested.

But everyone had a good time and left with a full tummy.

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