Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Woo-hoo! We're almost done with the online banners; hence, the downtime to blog.

And as soon as Bryan replies to my e-mail with the updates tomorrow, then that's about it. The ball will soon be in the client's court. Liza told me that the next big project will be in June; so, as a contractor, she won't be required to report for work in May.

I guess it's going to be lean next month. Better look for other sources of gainful employment. And speaking of employment, I haven't heard anything again from that prospective employer who called last week. I tried calling her, but I was always prompted to leave a voicemail. And when I asked her to return my call, she called my home phone. When I returned her call, she wasn't around. So, I left her another voicemail, asking her to call my cell phone. She did return my call, but she dialed my home phone again. After a week of playing phone tag, I guessed she gave up.

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