Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Tail End

The last two weeks were busy for me. Now that most of my work is either with the printer or lettershop, I have plenty of time on my hands again. I don’t mind working on several project days in and day out with a few short breaks in between, but work comes few and far between, especially in the summer.

However, I had a short chat with the smaller Wendy this morning. She said that work on the second phase of a client’s new business venture would begin as early as next week. She was surprised I was ecstatic. I told her that if the agency on the other side was swamped and I wasn’t busy, I might go there and help Bart out.

Wendy thought that I would get paid extra. I told her no, which she believed was unfair, but I added that the additional work experience would look good on my résumé. Actually, I’d love to help them out to get more exposure, but I didn’t know where to begin.

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