Friday, May 30, 2008

Iced Tea for Me, Please

At 3:31 p.m. yesterday, we finally head out to this fancy watering hole by the harbour. Everyone was in high spirits, especially the suits because they got to leave the office hours early than usual — and there was still light to boot!

Unfortunately, the weather wasn't cooperating. It was cloudy, cold and windy, but, at least, it was dry. The ladies had cocktails; Rob, beer; and me, iced tea. Why iced tea? I had to go to a church meeting later in the evening and I didn't want to reek of alcohol. Besides, my tummy wasn't up to it. They ordered appies to share, too.

Even though I'm with the company for a year now, I still don't have much to share with them. I always end up asking questions about the details of a conversation instead of starting one. It seems like a struggle for me every time I'm with these kind of people. I feel so awkward and uncomfortable. I just feel I don't have much in common with them. I'm probably not suited with this kind of crowd. (They're okay though, but they are a league of their own.)

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