Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Wondering

It's the second day of the Big Week and I've been wondering what could have happened if I went in for the kill in the dying moments of my interview with the guys at LDB and delivered this speech:
"I’m extremely interested. Although I’m looking at a couple of opportunities right now, this appears to be the one I could make the biggest contribution. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the perfect position for me. There may be candidates who have heftier résumés than I do, but no one will give you more passion, more integrity and more professionalism."
Well, it worked before (with this company), but I didn't use it because I never got to internalize this line. I'll never know now. However, I still have another big interview tomorrow and I'm going to use it like my career depended on it.

It still is Tuesday anyway and they're probably deliberating on it. I'm giving them until Friday to decide.

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