Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It was another slow day at work. So, what's a bored proofreader to do besides blogging, checking e-mails constantly and visiting websites on action figures? Watch movies online, of course!

I was so listless yesterday that I decided to search for alternatives to, a website that provided links to other sites where one can watch movies, documentaries and TV shows on line, which was shut down by authorities last year because of alleged video piracy. Anyway, I found one at PeekVid (

PeekVid isn't as extensive as tv-links' collection, but it's okay. Yesterday, I watched the first 30 minutes of Appleseed and decided that I'd rent the DVD instead. This morning, I checked out Part 2 of A&E's The Andromeda Strain. I already had taped the first part at home, but I wasn't able to record the second because I thought Part 2 would be aired soon after Part 1 was over. It didn't; instead, they replayed Part 1. So, I was left hanging.

I only watched the first few minutes of the show because it was dragging. Now, I'm checking out the other movies in the roster and see what attracts my attention. Good times!

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